Why is human memory so bad? Why are our memories so error prone if they are meant to put together the past?  Turns out a better use of those memories is to put together possible futures!
Netflix docuseries “The Mind Explained”, a 6-part series on different functions of the brain, starts off exploring memory. Here’s the gist:

  • Memories aren’t perfect reflections of the past. And our memories can shift and warp overtime.
  • Memories related to significant development times or trauma are more clear.
  • Place / location has a strong role in memory.
  • Memories are strengthened by storytelling.

The episode addresses those who have lost their memory. What was interesting was that not only could they not remember the past but they couldn’t imagine the future! Turns out the same network in our brain is engaged when we remember and when we imagine the future.

Let me say that another way: the same parts of the brain that bring together the past, can also add in other memories and imagine possible futures. Did you hear that, folks? Parts of the brain were made for visioning, vetting the future, and thinking in alternative scenarios!
As the Queen of Hearts from Alice in the Looking Glass says “it’s a poor sort of memory that only works backwards”. So start using that memory to envision and build your future!