Congratulation to our own Tim Morgan, APF winner for Most Significant Futures Work, Cat. 2. Analyze a significant future issue.

What Ownership Structures Will Emerge in an Automated Future? Tim Morgan. Blog Posts (set) . Category: 2 Analyze a significant future issue. 2019. APF Emerging Fellows Blog. Nominating member: Leah Zaidi

This set of twelve blog posts on the structures of ownership provides an interesting perspective on what ownership is, the challenges it presents, and how it may evolve in the future. Each piece is compelling on its own. Together, they form a comprehensive essay. Morgan’s exploration of ownership structures builds an intriguing narrative around a complex issue while raising a number of important questions we have yet to answer.

He ends on a haunting note, questioning whether we will “create positive-sum partners or zero-sum weapons”, laying the groundwork for further futures work. His examples also provide an easy entry into nuanced conversation while illustrating the tensions that ownership (or a lack of) can trigger. Though it well researched and written, Morgan’s style could appeal to a wide variety of readers beyond the futures community.

What are the Most Significant Futures Works awards?

APF annual recognizes the Most Significant Futures Works for the purpose of identifying and rewarding the work of professional futurists and others whose work illuminates aspects of the future. Furthermore, APF publicly shares these projects with the public in order to educate and inform, and to showcase examples of excellent futures work. In addition to this official record, Wikipedia tracks these awards under its Futures Studies page.