The problems with electricity and circuitry is it tends to get hot.  Just set your laptop on your lap for a while.  Diamond circuits move in a vacuum that relieves the heat and still delivers the electrons.  This bodes well for new electronics under intense conditions in tough places like deserts or space.
Diamond Circuitry To Work In Very Extreme Conditions
Graphene continues to dominate the news recently with reports of its electrical conductivity used in the strangest ways, it continues to energize the science world the same way it initially did in 2005.  Its use in circuitry, much like above-mentioned diamonds has led scientists to now investigate the patterns of circuit arrangement, and with it, the power of quantum computing.
Rice University Again Dazzles The Graphene World With Electronic Circuit Idealization
Seeing the light is the future of computing in some circles.  With photonic computing, light instead of electricity, powers the connection via fiber optics with faster computing and less data loss.  Researchers have not been able to find a way isolate the light signals from interfering with each other until now.
Photonic Computing Just Got Closer With Silicon Waveguide Optical Isolators
The technology has been around for decades, yet desalination for water has not be triumphed as the solution with the world’s pending water crisis and access.  Should it be in the discussion?
National Geographic Weighs In On Importance of Water Desalination
Biotech continues on its turn of finding ways to create life out of petri dishes.  The latest push has been in using stem cells to create just about anything.  Infertility may be a problem of the past as scientists have now found a way to create sperm from embryonic mouse stems cells that is used in successful mouse pregnancies.
From Stem Cells To Life:  Using Research To Create Sperm, In Turn Life