This year’s Foresight Jeopardy champion is Tim Morgan. In the closest competition yet, Tim earned the victory on the very last question of the game. Runner-up Rachel Young had the lead and missed it, and Madebo Fatunde also had an opportunity to grab the title with a correct answer. Alex Trebek (Andy) disallowed a very close, but imprecise answer. The question had to do with a movie originally conceived by Stanley Kubrik, but brought to the screen by Steven Spielberg (I’m not telling….)
We play Foresight Jeopardy as the conclusion of the Foresight “field” module in our capstone Professional Seminar class. The module explores the field that the students are about to enter. We use that material as the basis for the game, with categories including: futurists (past and present), books (past and present), foresight organizations, and movies about the future.
We think it’s important for students to know something about the field they are about to enter, even in the age of Google. In a practical sense, information networking conversations can often turn to the past, and if the student/new grad has no clue….well, not a good thing
So, congrats to Tim, join our illustrious cadre of prior champs:

  • 2017 Craig Perry
  • 2016 Jason Crabtree
  • 2015 Adam Cowart
  • 2014 Karl Irish