Challenges Worth Anticipating as a Gen-Z Futurist

Here’s three challenges worth anticipating for both young, aspiring futurists and those invested in youth foresight as well as how the UH Foresight program addressed them.

Congrats to UH Foresight APF Student recognition winners!

"Students who do outstanding work deserve recognition for that work, and institutions that develop outstanding students also deserve recognition." - APF

Student Submission: What Stays the Same: Finding emerging issues in human needs

Where the future is intrinsically unpredictable, human needs are relatively and consistent over time.

2023-03-30T10:01:24-05:00Categories: Foresight Students, Student Work|Tags: , , |

Student submission: Futures and Grief

Something I realized midway through my journey in the Foresight program was that every time the future shifts on us there is grief... As consultants, we’re watching the horizon for these shifts in the future that will undoubtedly come in one fashion or another and we’re asking others to trust us to help them prepare, to see, and to move.

Foresight Student Keith Willeford wins First Place Critical Issues in Energy

Giant congratulations goes out to current foresight student Keith Willeford [...]

What is Foresight

Foresight collects information from the past and present and uses it to create multiple future scenarios that are likely to occur through causality, logic, and rational creativity. Foresight differs from prediction, which uses magical powers inaccessible to ordinary people to ‘precise blow’ a single future.

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