Life, Liberty, and Foresight: The Ultimate Trifecta

I have been asking my professors how foresight has been kept such a secret for eight-plus decades and why it is so often approached in isolation of other closely related disciplines.

APF Pro Dev and Spring Gathering Weekend

"Everyone really had a great time. The energy was super-positive. We got lots of comments about how great it was to be back together in person.  I think this will go down as a semi-legendary event."

Futures: If You Build It Will They Come?

That is what futurists do. We build fields where futures can come true. We don’t create the futures, we help find the driving forces and trends and help others navigate the inherent uncertainties of futures.

2022-03-28T09:19:41-05:00Categories: Education, Forecasting, Foresight, Foresight Students|
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