Futurists are often asked for examples of how their work “got it right.” I even wrote a paper answering the question “How Accurate Are Your Forecasts” so I would have a better answer for this. I’m always on the lookout for good examples of forecasts that helped to paint a picture of what’s coming.
I recently came across a reference to the spectacular 1991 Scientific American Special Issue on the Future of Computing. I remember that fondly as it came out while I was in my first year as a professional futurist working under Joseph Coates. I was completely blown away with that issue, which gathered a mix of names and lesser known’s to pull together what may be the single best magazine issue I’ve ever come across. It included Mark Weiser and PARC’s “ubiquitous computing” concepts, with, yes, “pads” much as we see them know. Cover to cover, the authors cut across the landscape and paint a picture of the information world we’ve largely come to inhabit. If you really want to see how it’s done, order a copy from Scientific American, or a I found a fellow blogger, WiredPen, who gathered some copies and abstracts in a blog post. Enjoy! Andy Hines