The American Alliance of Museums has awarded its first ever Alliance Scholarship for Strategic Foresight to Terrance Hunter. Terrance is Project Manager at the Holocaust Memorial Resource and Education Center of Florida. Terrance also serves as the History Section Chair for the Florida Association of Museums.
The scholarship was specifically established to promote one of the Alliance’s strategic goals: To influence and inspire action in the field by cultivating a cadre of museum futurists to foster thought leadership around long term strategies museums will need to thrive in coming decades.
As the Alliance’s 2019 Foresight Scholar, Terrance will be attending the April 29th – May 3rd 2019 Strategic Foresight Seminar at the University of Houston. Terrance will have the opportunity to earn a Certificate of Strategic Foresight, along with other professionals from around the world.
The Foresight certificate program is a 5-day, project-based, face-to-face workshop. Participants learn to anticipate disruptive change and work towards the creation of transformational change to influence the future of their organizations, companies and communities.
Congratulations Terrance! The University of Houston Foresight faculty and staff welcomes you to the certificate program!