A familiar course at Notre Dame

Joining UH’s shining example of foresight education, Notre Dame has made Foresight in Business and Society a required course for the juniors of the Medoza College of Business.
What’s the course like? According to the college’s website:
The Foresight course begins with an introduction  to “futuring” and an overview of global challenges and  mega-trends from a variety of  authoritative sources. It  then examines  methodologies and research techniques used in forecasting and  analyzing probable future scenarios.Throughout the course students are challenged to develop and apply critical, creative and systems thinking in the context of  specific issues.
Specific Objectives include:

  • Develop an awareness of important issues and  trends affecting society, including issues related to sustainability.
  • Develop an understanding of the methodologies  and tools used by organizations to identify trends, to consider the implications of  change, to plan for alternative futures, and to suggest solutions leading to  preferred futures.
  • Develop various thinking and visionary skills,  including critical/analytical thinking, systems thinking and creative thinking to effectively address complex  problems.
  • Explore specific responses and interventions to  these issues and trends by  government, business, NGOs, think-tanks, and  other organizations.
  • Produce well-reasoned research studies that  address major societal issues, consider trends and future implications for  society and business, and suggest appropriate solutions, in light of moral and ethical concerns.

They even have an introductory video you can watch here, as well as multimedia, including guest lecturers and student projects, here.
Now, you may be thinking to yourself, “Hmmm, this here course seems awefully familiar…” and you’d be absolutely right! UH’s own Foresight program helped set this course up way back in 2009.