Welcome to the first posting of student work from last semester’s “Alternative Perspectives” class. The class was a popular one and, in my view, the quality of work was so great, that it makes sense to share with the foresight community. It should be noted that presentation slides don’t do justice to the live discussions (they were great), but it give you a sense of the work our students do.
Up first, is Tim Mitchell. Tim’s over the hump in his coursework and is closer to finishing than starting. His day job is with HP, so he usually takes one course at a time in order to keep his job. This presentation he put together was part of our weekly “reality check” series in which each student kicked off one class with a reading that touched on some aspect of what “reality” is all about, and of course, linking it to the future. He chose Ken Wilber’s “Theory of Everything” — an ambitious inquiry into the nature of reality for sure. Enjoy Tim’s take on it, and feel free to comment. Andy Hines