Our foresight friends at the Marine Corps are hosting a Science Fiction Futures Workshop in Quantico on February 3rd 2016. They are looking for participants who  help them out in the workshop: “You will be challenged to apply your creativity to develop the narrmarinesative foundation for a series of short stories that will be used to augment the 2015 Marine Corps Security Environment Forecast: Futures 2030-2045  Participation is limited to 15 people.”
If you are interested, you need to act fast. By 22 January, submit a biography, your three most influential books/games/films/shows (and why), and a short story or proof of previous publication to MCCDC_STRAT_Vis_Grp@usmc.mil
Several members of the Marine Corps have gone through our Certificate program, so we are happy to see their work in promoting foresight and the study of the future. Andy Hines