Holistic Management may actually restore savannas and grasslands

good shepherdIn a recent article in Food Tank, graduate alum Seth Itzkan (’93) discusses how a return to a more managed ranching, called Holistic management, has restored previously desertified grasslands and savannas in Zimbabwe.
It seems counter-intuitive – cows and goats overgrazed and destroyed the grasslands in the first place, so how can they possibly help in returning the land to a natural state? Check out Seth’s article, The Good Shepherds, to find out.
Let’s just say that Dr. Bishop’s mantra from Systems seems applicable to this article: a system’s behavior is a function of its structure.
Also, Seth’s currently in Zimbabwe working with the Africa Center for Holistic Management. Keep up to date with his adventures into the veldt at his blog Hut with a View (of the Future).